


Getting baptized is the next step to take once you’ve become a Christian — it’s how we take our faith in Jesus public. Through baptism, we identify with Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection and are raised to the new life we have in Christ. The old is gone, and the new has come!

When we went under the water, we left the old country of sin behind; when we came up out of the water, we entered into the new country of grace — a new life in a new land! (Romans 6:4, MSG)



If you believe that Jesus died for you, that he rose from the grave, and that you now have a right standing with God because of what he did, you’re ready to be baptized. A lot of people think they need to stop certain habits or become more committed before they take this step, but that’s just not true. We don’t become worthy of baptism by doing the right things — we get baptized because we believe.
If you’ve been baptized before, getting baptized once again is up to you. You’re welcome to do so if you feel it will have meaning and significance for you. Much like some married couples may choose to renew their marriage vows, getting baptized once again can reaffirm your faith. The vow renewal, however, isn’t somehow more “real” than the initial wedding ceremony. You may understand more about yourself now, and you may have grown in your understanding of God since then, but that doesn’t discount the authenticity of that first experience.
Bring your family and friends! Besides that, you’ll need a towel, a pair of shorts you don’t mind getting wet, and something to keep your wet clothes in afterward. We’ll give you a t-shirt to wear during your baptism that you’ll get to keep — it’s our gift to you for taking this step of faith.

We think baptism is a personal decision that should be made by the one getting baptized, including making sure someone is old enough to understand and be able to express her/his faith in Jesus for him/herself.

Ages 12+

Sign your child up using the options above!

Ages 8-11

Complete this form to connect with our Kids team about what baptism means!

Infants - 5 yrs Old

Child Dedication is one of the first major milestone for kids as they grow in their faith. This special celebration gives families an opportunity to publicly declare their decision and commitment to raising their child in accordance to Gods will. Click the button below for more information!

Congratulations on taking your faith public! We’re happy to celebrate this milestone with you! We’d encourage you to keep taking steps forward in your spiritual growth. To help with that, we invite you to get connected at FAITH. To find out how, visit